Tractor Pull
West of Little Salt River Park
Saturday, April 26
10 a.m.
Event Coordinators:
Mike Kenny - 989.560.6589
Chuck Purtill - 989.621.1412
Registration and weigh-in starts at 7:30 AM. The entry fee for entering the pull is $25 per class.
The classes of tractors competing will be as follows:
6500 Unlimited (starting first this year)
5500 Unlimited 18.4 tires
5500 Limited
4500 Unlimited
1. Pullers will be able to jump one weight class.2. Weight classes:
-6500 Unlimited (starting first this year)
-5500 Unlimited 18.4 tires
-5500 Limited
-4500 Unlimited
3. Hitch - 20 inches high, 24 inches back from center of the axle. Will be checked!
4. No popping of concrete.
5. No drinking of alcohol.
6. No bouncing.
7. Two-wheel drive only.
8. No jerking of chain. If chain jerks, there will be no measurement for that hook.
9. Boundary lines will be set at 15 feet for all classes. If rear tire goes out or hits the line, there will be no measurement for that hook.
10. Tires cannot hit between lugs. Tires can only hit on lug surface, not casing. No dual tires.
11. Drivers must have control of the tractor at all times.
12. Hitches and weight bars must be solid in all directions.
13. Wheelie bars must be outside of radius of rear tires and be able to support tractor.
14. If a weight falls off, you will lose the measurement for that hook.
15. Judges will be chosen at the drivers meeting.
16. One driver, per tractor, per class.
The prize for first place is $300 and will be awarded to the top four positions of each class.
The organizers of the Tractor Pull would like to thank the following sponsors:
Family of Charley Purtill
In Memory of Sue Bellinger
Isabella County Drain Commissioner-Bob Willoughby
Kenny Machining
Loomis Transport
VanEffen’s Corner Deli & Market
Woodland Construction & Concrete