Festival of Quilts
Shepherd Middle School Gymnasium
Saturday, April 26
9 am - 5 pm
The Shepherd Maple Syrup Festival invites quilters to share their quilted works: bed quilts, wall hangings, runners, mini-quilts, historical quilts, rescue quilts, vintage quilts, quilts of valor and more!
To encourage quilters 18 and under, there will be a display area designated for their pieces.
Application Forms
Event Coordinator: Merrie Hamel
No smoking, vaping or dogs allowed in/on Shepherd Public School buildings/properties
Quilt Show Participation Information
-There is no cost to exhibit a quilt.
-Due to space limitations each exhibitor may show a maximum of 2 quilts and 2 wall hangings (wall hanging must be 5’x5’ or less).
-Quilts will be hung with appropriate hangers, no pins.
-Please have your name on quilt containers.
-Provide a brief description of the quilt on the reverse side of this form.
Quilts should be dropped off ,between 5:00 – 7:00 pm on Friday, April 25, to the Middle School Gym.
Quilts should be picked up between 5:30 and 6:00 pm on Saturday, April 26.
Application Form
Quilts will be accepted for exhibit by returning completed application forms to a committee member by April 21, 2025 or mailed to:Sherry Dickman
9474 E. Fremont Rd.
Shepherd, MI 48883
Meet Our Sponsors
Shepherd High School Industrial Arts Class